Thursday, May 9, 2013

I believe I can...

   I believe I can.... become a pro boxer. I've been asked more times than I can count if I was a pro fighter. Fighting is really just the only thing in life I take seriously. To be honest I think it's the only thing i'm truly good at. Everything in life kinda just disappears when I fight; I focus only on becoming better then I was when I stepped in the ring. I love everything boxing has to offer. The feeling I get after learning new combinations is unexplainable. I also truly love the fact I can hit someone with all the power I have, and have no consequence, but actually get props for it. The echoing sound of my glove hitting the mitt gives me an adrenalin rush. I really cant fully explain the love I posses for boxing, all that I know for certain ,  is that I will be a fighter untill the day I die.

Monday, April 29, 2013


 If I had the power to cure any disease it would be Aids. Aids is a disease that is usually transmitted sexually. Aids also can be transmitted by any consumption of blood. Aids is the leading cause of deaths for African Americans from the age of  25 to 44.  In Louisianna 11,956 cases where reported and 6,796 deaths do the Aids Virus. The Aids virus has an unfound cure. All that you and others can do to help the number of victims with Aids to so stay "Protected." Another things that help to avoid Aids is staying away from others blood, especially if you have any open wounds. Never share needles or anything of that nature with anyone. Ever.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I think our schools Dessert Dance theme should be Glow in The Dark , I think that it  would be way super cool to have everything in the dark , and having everything glowing . I'm not even going to go to this dance but a Glow In The Dark dance would be pretty cool (:
